Friday, September 25, 2020

Ranginui and Papatuanuku story explained (kowai version)

We learnt how to recreate our own type of story of ranginui and papatuanuku. Ranginui and papatuanuku is a maori myth there's the sky father ranginui and earth mother papatuanuku. I found it easy to think of what i should do in the team because we all just talked about it so the first slide is made from Kriste-lee the second slide is made from William the third slide is made from Addison and the last slide is made from me. I found it hard to fit everything in one slide because i had to fit a lot of stuff in the slide and on top of that i had to put in the words which took up most of the space. Next time i could try make my own trees and greenery and add more flowers or birds.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Persuasive Writing

We learnt how to do persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is when you are trying to get someone on your side like when you want someone's vote when your trying to be president or like on adds when the person who made that add tries to persuade you to buy their product on like tv or on your tablet just any device. So we all have tried to be persuaded or tried to persuade someone. 
It was really easy to find something to work on since people are cutting down trees,polluting the ocean,killing animals there is just so many wrong things happening in the world. But i picked the most simple one pollution! It was easy because first of all you could of searched something up or just go outside and find rubbish on you doorstep or on the side of the road.  
It was really hard to find evidence because i could not get the correct number in New Zealand like how many animals have died from pollution in the ocean it would justgive me the same answer as it would be when i typed how many animal have died from pollution in the whole world it would give me the 100,000 marine mammals.  
Next time instead of pollution in the ocean maybe multiple like people cutting down trees or maybe just the pollution on in the cities like comparing two different cities how much pollution is in france than canada. It would give two different numbers. Or how many cities have cut down trees America or Australia.